Yummy and Easy Halloween Tricks and Treats
Happy Fall and Happy Halloween!
As a mom of three and educator, I am all about sharing hacks and snacks to help busy families have fun and do it easily and affordably!
Here are my TRICK and TREAT ideas that you will not want to miss. Here are some of the fun and easy tricks and treats I made and shared on CTV Morning Live.
First of all, pumpkins and pumpkin seeds are nutrient powerhouses!
They are packed with fiber, protein, magnesium, iron and healthy fats, keeping you fuller longer too.
Pumpkins support heart health, immunity, and can improve your vision as Pumpkins are rich in beta carotene.
Try adding a cup of pumpkin puree in your sauces, like spaghetti sauce, chili, or buttered chicken, to add all these good nutrients.
First, we will start with TREATS. Here are some yummy and easy Halloween treats to make without any baking.
You will only need five items to put these first three adorable, yummy and easy Halloween snacks together.

What you need:
1 Pack of Pull apart Licorice (red or black)
1 Pack of Orea Thins
1 Can of Chocolate or White (Vanilla) Icing
1 Container of Two Bite Brownies
1 Container of Mixed Sized Eyeball Candies or Sprinkles
Big shout out to Superstore (Port Coquitlam) for providing many of the ingredients.

Here are the three adorable, yummy and easy Halloween snacks made with two bite brownies.

A) Spider
Use the brownie as your base.
Add a small scoop of icing on top.
Add four legs on top so that it dangles on both sides to make 8 legs for the spider.
Place the Oreo Thin on top.
Add the two eyes with the icing to hold them in place.

B) Bat
Use the brownie as your base.
Break an Oreo Thin in half and stick them into the brownie for the wings.Put icing where you want the eyes to go.
Then add the two eyes.

C) Yummy Mummies
Use the Oreo Thin cookie as your base.
Use white icing to make the stripes like bandages with a spoon.
Add the eyes.
Here are the two adorable Halloween Treats in a Cup that you will want to put together tonight!
A) Dirt in a Cup
Layer chocolate pudding, crushed oreo cookies, and candy in the middle and on top! That's it!

First, make the yellow jello as per the instructions on the box and pour about 1.5 inches into each tall clear plastic cup.
Set it in the fridge until firm.
Now make the orange jello and then pour it on top of the firm yellow layer.
Set it in the fridge until firm.
When both layers are firm, add the whipped cream and voila! You are done!

Now for the TRICKS! Here are five tricks you need to know for fun and easy pumpkin hacks!
1. Carve the opening of the pumpkin on the bottom rather than the top. It will last longer and not cave in, it will also be easier to scoop the guts out too.
2. Use a hand mixer to make cleaning out the guts easy and quick!
3. To prolong the life of the carved pumpkin, add vaseline to the cut edges. This will prolong the life for at least for twice as long as the normal 3-6 days.
4. Give your pumpkin a nice cozy smell by rubbing cinnamon on the inside before lighting the candle.
5. For easy carving when you are lacking creative juices, use a mallot and cookie cutters to make the design! Or drill some quick wholes and stick in a bunch of lollipops for a fun hair-do for your pumpkin!
I hope you have a fun and safe Halloween!
Smiles and blessings,