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A Letter To Moms

A Letter To Moms

Being a Mom is a very difficult job – maybe the most difficult. It is also a very important job – maybe the most important.

As a mom of 3 young children myself, I know that the costs and rewards of motherhood are both overwhelmingly great.

Have you ever noticed that advertisements and Mother’s Day cards aimed at us Moms are always talking about scraped knees, helping with homework, wiping tears and chauffeuring our children around? That’s the kid part of motherhood.

But what about the Mom part? I want to salute all the Moms who have to think twice every time they do a jumping jack or sneeze (you know what I’m talking about). Who have a secret stash of good, dark chocolate hidden above the fridge. Who have gone into the closet and shut the door to hide/cry when it’s all too much.

I want to salute the Moms who have actually planned what they would they do if a bear ran toward their child. Who take extra long showers because it’s the only peace they can get all day. The Moms who cry at commercials, and sit in cold ice rinks and humid community centers so their children can gain life skills.

This is for all the foster Moms, adoptive Moms, surrogate Moms, single Dads and Grandmas raising children as well. For all those who have made the choice to sacrifice a part of their lives, and give it unconditionally to a small and helpless child. Or six.

I created Easy Daysies out of parent demand. As a school teacher, I had Moms coming to me and asking for help with the craziness at home. I’m proud that Easy Daysies has helped tens of thousands of families to make it through each day a little easier, contributing to sanity, family togetherness, and important life skills for our young ones.

Being a Mom is a very difficult job – maybe the most difficult. It is also a very important job – maybe the most important. My promise to you, Mom-to-Mom, is to be with you and help your family, whatever shape and size, have easier days.

That’s why I want to know from you today – what is your current biggest struggle in parenting? Please let me know via the comments below, or via email to info [@] You will be helping to shape solutions for thousands of other Moms. And we are all in this together!

Warmest smiles,

Easy Daysies

The post A Letter To Moms appeared first on Easy Daysies - Magnetic Schedules for Families.

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